5 tips on compost windrows size

The size setting of the high-temperature composting windrow is an important part of the composting process, which directly affects the efficiency and effect of composting. The following are some key points to note when setting the size of the high-temperature composting Windrow:


1. Windrow width

The setting of the windrow width should take into account the oxygen supply required for microbial activity and the heat distribution during the composting process. Generally speaking, the Windrow width should not be too wide to avoid anaerobic fermentation caused by insufficient internal oxygen. At the same time, the Windrow width should not be too narrow, otherwise it will affect the insulation effect of the compost. According to information from multiple sources, the Windrow width is usually controlled between 1.6 meters and 7.5 meters, and the specific value depends on many factors such as composting raw materials, climatic conditions, and compost turning equipment.


2. Windrow height

The setting of the windrow height also needs to take into account oxygen supply and heat distribution. Too high a windrow height will lead to insufficient internal oxygen and affect the activity of aerobic microorganisms; while too low a Windrow height will affect the insulation effect of the compost and prolong the fermentation time. Generally speaking, it is more appropriate to control the Windrow height between 0.6 meters and 3.5 meters, and the specific value also needs to be adjusted according to actual conditions.


3. Length

The length of the compost bar is usually determined according to the topography of the plant, the amount of compost raw materials and the size of the site, and there is no fixed standard. When setting the length, it should be ensured that the compost bar can make full use of the site space and facilitate turning and management.


4. Shape

The shapes of compost bars are varied, and the common ones are trapezoidal, wide trapezoidal, triangular and near trapezoidal. The choice of shape should take into account the oxygen supply, heat distribution and convenience of turning during the composting process. For example, trapezoidal or wide trapezoidal bars can better ensure the internal oxygen supply and uniform heat distribution; while near-trapezoidal bars are convenient for turning operations using turning equipment.


5. Other considerations

When setting the size of the compost bar, factors such as the density, humidity, and organic matter content of the compost raw materials must also be considered. These factors will directly affect the fermentation speed and effect of the compost.

At the same time, in order to ensure the ventilation during the composting process, wooden sticks or other breathable materials can be inserted vertically at a certain distance before the Windrow as vents. The holes left by pulling out the wooden sticks or breathable materials after the Windrow is completed can be used as vents.


In addition, in order to monitor the temperature changes during the composting process, automatic temperature recorders can be inserted into the upper, middle and lower parts of the Windrow for real-time monitoring.

In summary, the size setting of the high-temperature composting Windrow is a process that takes into account multiple factors. In actual operation, it should be flexibly adjusted according to the specific situation to achieve the best composting effect.

Post time: Jul-19-2024